The Green Chemistry Technical Blog
vineri, 4 ianuarie 2013
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marți, 8 februarie 2011
Sustainable Procurement: Implications for Supply Chains
Reviewing the UK Government's sustainability policy website introduced an interesting development on how it intends to move towards better and more sustainable purchasing practices for the public sector services. A section of the announcement is given here:Published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
© Crown Copyright 2007
UK Sustainable Procurement Action PlanOn 5 March 2007, the UK Government presented a package of actions to deliver the step change needed to ensure that supply chains and public services will be increasingly low carbon, low waste and water efficient, respect biodiversity and deliver wider sustainable development goals.© Crown Copyright 2007
The UK Government Sustainable Procurement Action Plan will be crucial to achieving the Government's operations targets, which will deliver around 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide savings by 2020.
I found this extremely interesting. A previous post on this site had a degree of relevance for myself, in that both could OR will play a part in integrating the desire for lower energy use (reduced CO2 equivalents) and reductions of environmental impacts from material sourcing. Integrating the principles of: Green Chemistry, Intellectual Property, Supply Chain Processes/Management and InterSpec
In this case, seeing the complementary nature of the objectives of the plan, with the goals of sustainable industry was immediately obvious.
Looking at the text, "The Government’s response to the Task Force and subsequent work with the private sector is intended to make rapid progress in the following key areas:
ii) Effective use of Government procurement power as an enabler to transform the market for innovative and sustainable solutions and make them more widely available and affordable to citizens and corporate buyers;", it seemed to me that there is may not be merely rhetoric, and that indeed substantial progress could be made - to pull or push - (depending on your perspective) clean technology development and utilisation and the introduction of more efficient supply processes development in the public and private sectors. Informatics has an important role to play in bridging the divide, and actually creating the physical "integration". The impacts of this policy document will have to be watched closely.
Some recent literature in Green Chemistry of Interest
Having been away from the blogosphere for a time, some recent interesting articles relating to the development of Green Chemistry and Sustainablity are highlighted here:
Sustainable from the very beginning: rational design of molecules by life cycle engineering as an important approach for green pharmacy and green chemistry
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by Klaus Kummerer
Taking into account the full life cycle of chemicals will lead to a different understanding of the full functionality necessary for a chemical. Examples are presented to underline the feasibility and the economic potential of the approach benign by design.Klaus Kummerer
(Paper from Green Chem.)
Klaus Kummerer, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b618298b
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Integral resource management by exergy analysis for the selection of a separation process in the pharmaceutical industry
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by H. Van Langenhove
Overall natural resource intake (MJexergy mol-1) for (2R,3R)-3-(3-methoxyphenyl)-N,N-2-trimethylpentanamine-an intermediate in Tapentadol production-manufacturing and isolation through crystallisation or chromatography has been quantified.J. Dewulf, G. Van der Vorst, W. Aelterman, B. De Witte, H. Vanbaelen, H. Van Langenhove
(Paper from Green Chem.)
J. Dewulf, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b617505h
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
What is a green solvent? A comprehensive framework for the environmental assessment of solvents
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by Konrad Hungerbuhler
This article addresses the question of how to measure how "green" a solvent is. We propose a framework that covers major aspects of the environmental performance of solvents over the full life-cycle, and also includes health and safety issues.Christian Capello, Ulrich Fischer, Konrad Hungerbuhler
(Paper from Green Chem.)
Christian Capello, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b617536h
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Also a recent piece of news in C&EN (ACS) from China on environmental legislation and control:
China Admits Setback
Premier vows country will try harder to meet environmental goalsJean-François Tremblay
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao admitted last week that his country failed in 2006 to meet the environmental emissions and energy efficiency targets that it had set in 2005. But he vowed that China will stick to its medium-term targets for 2010.
Wen addresses China's parliament.
Wen was speaking in Beijing at the opening session of the annual meeting of the National People's Congress, China's parliament. Facing 3,000 parliamentarians and the world media, his address could not have been more public.
In 2006, China reduced its energy consumption per unit of gross national product by 1.2%, falling far short of the 4.0% target, he said. Instead of coming down 2.0%, emissions of sulfur dioxide increased 1.8%, and chemical oxygen demand, a measure of water pollution, grew by 1.2%.
Under its 11th national five-year plan, which ends in 2010, China aims to reduce its emissions of major pollutants by 10% and to raise its economic energy efficiency by 20%. "Meeting these mandatory targets cannot be revised, so we must work resolutely to meet them," Wen told delegates.
Partly to meet environmental goals, China will try to curb its economic growth to 8.0% in 2007, down from the 10.7% it achieved last year. In addition, the premier said the country will close smaller coal-fired power plants as well as substandard facilities producing cement, aluminum, ferrous alloys, coke, and calcium carbide.
China has difficulty enforcing national environmental standards, because the country operates in a decentralized manner that allows municipal and provincial officials to interpret Beijing's directives in their own way.China's State Environmental Protection Agency
Sustainable from the very beginning: rational design of molecules by life cycle engineering as an important approach for green pharmacy and green chemistry
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by Klaus Kummerer
Taking into account the full life cycle of chemicals will lead to a different understanding of the full functionality necessary for a chemical. Examples are presented to underline the feasibility and the economic potential of the approach benign by design.Klaus Kummerer
(Paper from Green Chem.)
Klaus Kummerer, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b618298b
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Integral resource management by exergy analysis for the selection of a separation process in the pharmaceutical industry
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by H. Van Langenhove
Overall natural resource intake (MJexergy mol-1) for (2R,3R)-3-(3-methoxyphenyl)-N,N-2-trimethylpentanamine-an intermediate in Tapentadol production-manufacturing and isolation through crystallisation or chromatography has been quantified.J. Dewulf, G. Van der Vorst, W. Aelterman, B. De Witte, H. Vanbaelen, H. Van Langenhove
(Paper from Green Chem.)
J. Dewulf, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b617505h
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
What is a green solvent? A comprehensive framework for the environmental assessment of solvents
from RSC - Green Chem. latest articles by Konrad Hungerbuhler
This article addresses the question of how to measure how "green" a solvent is. We propose a framework that covers major aspects of the environmental performance of solvents over the full life-cycle, and also includes health and safety issues.Christian Capello, Ulrich Fischer, Konrad Hungerbuhler
(Paper from Green Chem.)
Christian Capello, Green Chem., 2007, DOI: 10.1039/b617536h
(c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Also a recent piece of news in C&EN (ACS) from China on environmental legislation and control:
China Admits Setback
Premier vows country will try harder to meet environmental goalsJean-François Tremblay
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao admitted last week that his country failed in 2006 to meet the environmental emissions and energy efficiency targets that it had set in 2005. But he vowed that China will stick to its medium-term targets for 2010.

Wen addresses China's parliament.
Wen was speaking in Beijing at the opening session of the annual meeting of the National People's Congress, China's parliament. Facing 3,000 parliamentarians and the world media, his address could not have been more public.
In 2006, China reduced its energy consumption per unit of gross national product by 1.2%, falling far short of the 4.0% target, he said. Instead of coming down 2.0%, emissions of sulfur dioxide increased 1.8%, and chemical oxygen demand, a measure of water pollution, grew by 1.2%.
Under its 11th national five-year plan, which ends in 2010, China aims to reduce its emissions of major pollutants by 10% and to raise its economic energy efficiency by 20%. "Meeting these mandatory targets cannot be revised, so we must work resolutely to meet them," Wen told delegates.
Partly to meet environmental goals, China will try to curb its economic growth to 8.0% in 2007, down from the 10.7% it achieved last year. In addition, the premier said the country will close smaller coal-fired power plants as well as substandard facilities producing cement, aluminum, ferrous alloys, coke, and calcium carbide.
China has difficulty enforcing national environmental standards, because the country operates in a decentralized manner that allows municipal and provincial officials to interpret Beijing's directives in their own way.
reports on its website that its outspoken deputy director, Pan Yue, is urging a change in Chinese laws to correct this situation. Arguing that government officials are involved in the most severe cases of environmental violations, he is calling for new rules that would permit the central government to punish officials who fail to enforce national standards.
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society
New Review: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis in Water as Solvent
For those interested in Microwave-Assisted Synthesis in Water, a new review has been published by Oliver Kappe and Doris Dallinger of fame.
Chem. Reviews, DOI: 10.1021/cr0509410
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis in Water as Solvent
Doris Dallinger and C. Oliver Kappe*
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Microwave Chemistry (CDLMC) and Institute of Chemistry, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Heinrichstrasse 28, A-8010 Graz, Austria
2.Organic Synthesis in Water
3.Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis
4.Microwave Chemistry in Water-General Aspects
5.Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Reactions
5.1. Suzuki Reactions
5.2. Heck Reactions
5.3. Sonogashira Reactions
5.4. Stille Reactions
5.5. Hiyama Reactions
5.6. Carbonylation Reactions
5.7. Cyanation Reactions
6.Other Transition-Metal-Mediated Reactions
7.N-, O-, S-Functionalizations
7.1. N-Acylations
7.2. N-Alkylations
7.3. N-Arylations
7.4. O- and S-Functionalizations
8.Heterocycle Synthesis
8.1. Five-Membered N-Heterocycles
8.2. Six-Membered O-Heterocycles
8.3. Six-Membered N-Heterocycles
8.4. Six-Membered N,S-Heterocycles
9.Mannich-Type Multicomponent Reactions
10.Nucleophilic Substitutions
10.1. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitutions
11.Epoxide Ring-Opening Reactions
12.Diels-Alder Cycloadditions
13.Decarboxylations and Hydrolyses
14.Protection/Deprotection Reactions
15.Miscellaneous Reactions
16.Reactions in Near-Critical Water
17.Future Prospects and Challenges
[Full text in html]
[Full text in pdf]
It should be interesting to note if anything new is in this review and to see what they see as future developments in the area.
Chem. Reviews, DOI: 10.1021/cr0509410
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis in Water as Solvent
Doris Dallinger and C. Oliver Kappe*
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Microwave Chemistry (CDLMC) and Institute of Chemistry, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Heinrichstrasse 28, A-8010 Graz, Austria
2.Organic Synthesis in Water
3.Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis
4.Microwave Chemistry in Water-General Aspects
5.Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Reactions
5.1. Suzuki Reactions
5.2. Heck Reactions
5.3. Sonogashira Reactions
5.4. Stille Reactions
5.5. Hiyama Reactions
5.6. Carbonylation Reactions
5.7. Cyanation Reactions
6.Other Transition-Metal-Mediated Reactions
7.N-, O-, S-Functionalizations
7.1. N-Acylations
7.2. N-Alkylations
7.3. N-Arylations
7.4. O- and S-Functionalizations
8.Heterocycle Synthesis
8.1. Five-Membered N-Heterocycles
8.2. Six-Membered O-Heterocycles
8.3. Six-Membered N-Heterocycles
8.4. Six-Membered N,S-Heterocycles
9.Mannich-Type Multicomponent Reactions
10.Nucleophilic Substitutions
10.1. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitutions
11.Epoxide Ring-Opening Reactions
12.Diels-Alder Cycloadditions
13.Decarboxylations and Hydrolyses
14.Protection/Deprotection Reactions
15.Miscellaneous Reactions
16.Reactions in Near-Critical Water
17.Future Prospects and Challenges
[Full text in html]
[Full text in pdf]
It should be interesting to note if anything new is in this review and to see what they see as future developments in the area.
The Bioeconomy: A new blog on the horizon
Simon Robinson of ICIS today reported a new blog written by Gerry McKiernan, self described as "Science and Technology Librarian / Iowa State University Library", . The Bioeconomy Blog is the title of the new site, this coupled with the fact that Gerry is a member of Iowa State, and the role he has as librarian means that this site will certainly be worth watching for output.
The inaugural post of the blog was as follows:
Launch of the Bioeconomy Blog
The Bioeconomy Blog is a devoted to the identification and promotion of key primary and secondary literature relating to biorenewable fuels, most notably bioethanol and biodiesel. It will seek to identify all significant literature and presentations relating to the economic, environmental, political, and social aspects of biofuel initiatives.With proper support, it is hoped that the major publications and presentations cited in The Bioenergy Blog will be compiled at some point into a Web-based annotated bibliography.The Bioeconomy Blog was formally established on May 6 2007.
Understanding how work/life can mean that blog output can be sporadic (I apologise for my own absence recently), I certainly will keep a keen eye on this blog since it closely matches some off my already described interests. Here Gerry's experience with various literature types should prove very insightful.
The inaugural post of the blog was as follows:
Launch of the Bioeconomy Blog
The Bioeconomy Blog is a devoted to the identification and promotion of key primary and secondary literature relating to biorenewable fuels, most notably bioethanol and biodiesel. It will seek to identify all significant literature and presentations relating to the economic, environmental, political, and social aspects of biofuel initiatives.With proper support, it is hoped that the major publications and presentations cited in The Bioenergy Blog will be compiled at some point into a Web-based annotated bibliography.The Bioeconomy Blog was formally established on May 6 2007.
Understanding how work/life can mean that blog output can be sporadic (I apologise for my own absence recently), I certainly will keep a keen eye on this blog since it closely matches some off my already described interests. Here Gerry's experience with various literature types should prove very insightful.
Alternative Energy,
Climate Change,
Environmental Policy,
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Green Chemistry,
Renewable Resources,
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Apologies - for neglecting Blog with promise for new posts coming soon...
Just a quick note to say that the infrequent posting recently is the result of my taking up a new employment role - consulting as an organic chemist in the biofuels area here in the UK. It's an exciting time with lots of information and experiences being gained!
I shall endeavour to begin posting new pieces of information in the next few days. Thanks for having patience in the meantime to anyone who still keeps an eye on this technical blog.
I shall endeavour to begin posting new pieces of information in the next few days. Thanks for having patience in the meantime to anyone who still keeps an eye on this technical blog.
firma de contabilitate,
foraje puturi apa,
Probing Green Chemical Analytical Methodologies: A new review of the area
The ACS journal Chemical Reviews appears to be having an edition focusing on Green Chemistry related articles in the near future, by inspecting the ASAP article list for the journal. This is excellent news although it must be emphasised that due to the scope of the subject, it would take an entire journal (of which the RSC has one) and much more coverage dedicated to this multifaceted discipline and its daily development. Assuming the list is comprehensive for the subject as some chemists I've spoken to over the blogosphere seem to feel, would be inaccurate. Green Chemistry is most certainly NOT about just doing reactions in water. It is from mere reflection about looking at the bigger picture, thinking strategically in terms of chemistry/engineering (and understanding and using the associated drivers for industry & within the "real world": economics and sociology).
One article covered by Chemical Reviews is the following looking more specifically at analytical chemistry in relation to Green Chemistry's agenda (See: "Green Analytical Methodologies" below). Here people can see clean technology development for the laboratory environment which in report form is rather unusual and therefore of interest here. This by definition has implications for other areas within the laboratory setting and converges with other schemes which I shall discuss further below.
The author list for this article includes Dr. Jennifer L. Young whom is Senior Program Manager at the ACS Green Chemistry Institute (USA). She also manages and is a contributing force for the Green Chemistry Resource Exchange itself a potentially amazing tool with ramifications in Knowledge Transfer (KTP), Intellectual Property (IPR) and Informatics, and for education of the public and various industries in general. The goal of the exchange is stated as:
"our mission is to provide the public with a straightforward collection of media dealing with green chemistry and innovative technology as well as the means to share new ideas and research."
A further post will deal with this exchange in due course.
Chem. Rev., DOI: 10.1021/cr068359e
Green Analytical Methodologies
Lawrence H. Keith,* Liz U. Gron, and Jennifer L. Young
Environmental & Chemical Safety Educational Institute, 329 Claiborne Way, Monroe, Georgia 30655, Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Avenue, Conway, Arkansas 72032, and ACS Green Chemistry Institute, 1155 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
1.Introduction1.1. Green Chemistry
1.2. Green Analytical Chemistry
2.Trends in Green Analytical Chemistry2.1. Greening Pretreatment
2.1.1. Solvent Reduction and Replacement
2.1.2. Solvent Elimination
2.1.3. Derivatization of Molecules and Surfaces
2.2. Greening Signal Acquisition
2.2.1. Spectroscopy
2.2.2. Electrochemistry
2.2.3. Bioanalytical Chemistry
2.3. Greening with Automation and Flow Techniques
2.3.1. Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) and Sequential Flow Injection Analysis (SIA)
2.3.2. Multicommutation
2.4. Green by in-Situ
3.NEMI and Greener Analytical Methods3.1. Background of NEMI
3.2. Greenness Profiles of Greener Analytical Methods
3.3. Application of Greenness Profiles
3.4. Characteristics of Greener Analytical Methods in NEMI
5.Acknowledgments6.References[Full text in html]
[Full text in pdf]
Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society
The Introduction:
"For over 10 years, the green chemistry movement has been promoting ways to reduce the risks of chemical use to humans and the environment. An important goal is to develop increasingly environmentally benign chemistries. A relatively underexamined area of green chemistry is analytical chemistry. However, analytical methods are not easily identified as being environmentally benign. Assessment requires careful examination of often complex analytical methodologies within the context of green chemistry. This article attempts to examine qualitatively the scope of green analytical chemistry with a survey of the recent analytical literature to discern common green analytical chemistry themes while creating, and applying, a more quantitative approach to existing environmental methodologies. The authors set forth some basic characteristics, or "acceptance criteria", to which analytical methods should conform in order to be called "green." The application of these criteria, applied to over 800 methods in the National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI), the largest available database of environmental analytical methods, is discussed herein."
I feel this is entirely correct. During the past 8 years I have rarely seen articles within the Green Chemistry arena which have dealt with or suggest mechanisms to link these two areas of chemistry. Although the references list is extensive these merely take snapshot views of particular cases rather than the broader strategic view of the area, it is indeed true the area is relatively unexplored. Moreover for efforts to begin to standardise the greenness of the analysis (as opposed to to the ad-hoc methods currently used) is rarer still. This could be the first such attempt, or estimation of what would be involved, although perhaps the authors of the article Young et al. would be able to provide more information at a later date in subsequent articles?
This is very topical for me at the moment. My recent take up of a role within the biofuels arena, has directly led me to apply analytical chemistry to monitor specifications in the commercial environment (Quality Control/Assurance and process monitoring / process optimisation, this relates to real time monitoring of chemical reaction industrial-processes, and is a fundamental ideal of Green Chemistry). The case is that in the commercial situation these are often the applying of standard-equipment and analytical packages that other organisations generate specifically for that application (example: gas chromatography - Perkin-Elmer or Varian applied to product streams). For example: EN 14214 relating to Biodiesel which I have been working with recently, smaller enterprises don't have the time to generate there own systems until much later after start up and then to put them in place, they are often reliant on the companies providing analytical packages (same examples: Perkin-Elmer or Varian) to provide the environmentally conscious solutions for them and to do so cost effectively. Moreover in the era where energy effectiveness is also critical, such considerations should also include comprehensive energy minimisation as a requirement. It should be noted that this entire Green Analytical Methodologies area also relates closely to the ideals of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) (*alternative reference*) in my opinion, there is potential that GLP could be one driver for GAM uptake within the laboratory.
This would be via the traditional routes where the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as well as International standards organisations (such as ISO) could generate the "environmentally conscious" testing regimes where the analytical apparatus providers could then utilise their expertise to rapidly improve the area. There are numerous other layers of organisations that could act here although are not specifically mentioned, such as the US EPA and the European and international equivalents whom also provide vital functions in the area, including establishment of databases for ease of use.
The input of standards here is crucial since the debate is often had particularly with those not familiar with GC is: "what is green?", is it not just another buzz word?
I'm frequently involved in debate going either way as to if a technique or process - IS actually green or not and have to regularly explain how professionals measure if it is or is not.. It's the process of proving the "green" tag and therefore the degree of economic/environmental/social acceptability that many people are not familiar with, or are cynical about. For me adopting a similar approach to that used in intellectual property and "the state of the art" and having improvements over "the art" go far in justifying the tag "green". This is the rule of thumb that should probably be encouraged as it's one the public would most understand, in my personal view.
The "Greenness Profiles of Greener Analytical Methods" section, goes some way to debate and approach quantifiable methods to quantify the issue, in a manner similar to the approaches used in analysis of process chemistry and application (in the most basic sense), the "Green Chemistry Metrics". Further debate and their wider roll out to industry is ongoing.
In summary, this area will continue to grow since this uses the basic principle of establishing of "doing more with less", but doing so such that the materials and apparatus are having the minimal impact in the wider sense. The area is still in its infancy relative to other areas of green chemistry, but will become much more important as methods of monitoring impacts move outward to society at large.
One only has to see the potential for "smart metering" (relating to the "polluter pays principle") to see that such packages could have commercial success, since in order to be green identification of the issues is necessary in the first place, causing industries' and societies greater reliance on advanced analytical chemistry. Green Analytical Methodologies will have significant impacts on their development and will be a further driver towards Green Chemistry and scientific/technological development in general.
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